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Pet series

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Liquid poplar flower boldness
This product is dark brown liquid.
[product features]
1. Regulate gastrointestinal function and promote digestion.
2. Antibacterial and bactericidal, anti intestinal infection.
3. Fast absorption and high bioavailability.
It can be used to regulate gastrointestinal channel, clear away heat and detoxify, astringent intestines and stop diarrhea, turn dampness and stop dysentery, strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach. Clinically, it is mainly used for canine and feline parvovirus, enteritis, diarrhea, dysentery, as well as stress and nutritional diarrhea caused by various viruses or bacteria. This product can quickly repair the damaged intestinal mucosa, inhibit the reproduction of harmful pathogens and viruses in the intestinal tract, and quickly stop dysentery and restore gastrointestinal health.
[usage and dosage] for dogs and cats, 0.5-1ml / kg body weight, twice a day for 3-5 days.