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Pet series

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Heat clearing, detoxification, exogenous fever
[main ingredients]
Rehmannia, gardenia, Scutellaria, forsythia, Xuanshen, etc.
This product is a brownish black liquid, with slight air and bitter taste.
Qingre Jiedu oral liquid is a heat clearing agent, which has the effect of heat clearing and detoxification. It is mainly used to treat fever, irritability and thirst, sore throat and throat caused by excessive heat and toxin; influenza and upper respiratory tract infection can be seen in the above syndromes.
Clinically, it is mainly used for the upper respiratory tract infection caused by influenza and bronchitis in dogs and cats. It can effectively relieve the symptoms of cold, fever, cough, tears, sneeze, nest cough, etc
[usage and dosage]
Dogs and cats weigh 1ml / kg twice a day for 3-5 days.