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"Special immunity" against non pestilence

Date:2019-11-22 11:15:16 Number of visits:
Demonstration pig farm customers:
200 basic sows of boss Wang in Shangrao, Jiangxi Province
In the middle of April this year, the incidence of non plague was high in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangxi and other places in the south of China. Mr. Wang, who has been cooperating with the company for many years, suddenly contacted wechat to consult with Mr. tiaomikaoxing. I feel a little strange. In summer, it's not the season with high incidence of respiratory tract. Why do you need to replace Mr. tiaomikaoxing? By the way, Mr. Wang said that he wants to purify the sow.
After that, through telephone communication, we learned that there were frequent non pestilence situations around Mr. Wang's pig farm, several of his friends' pig farms had been cleared, and his pig farm was under great threat, and the sow herd began to appear unstable. I didn't know how to prevent non pestilence in his pig farm, so I had to blindly do health care for the sow. Since the non plague occurrence company and scientific research units have been jointly developing products to fight against non plague. From December last year to April this year, through 500 pig farm experiments, the company's products [special immunity] have achieved strategic results in fighting against non plague. The trust of deep experimental users has a protection rate of more than 90%. Just as the special immunity of our company's products to prevent non plague is to be officially listed, I will give it to Wang General manager Wang immediately decided to buy the product after introducing the experimental situation and empirical cases of other customers.
For the first time, Mr. Wang ordered 2 special exemptions, and added 4 in the evening. When it arrived, President Tianwang let the whole farm use it. After one week's continuous addition, the situation of the whole herd was very stable. However, the epidemic situation of the surrounding farms was not optimistic. Almost all the farms infected with non plague were emptied, and the surviving farms were also in danger. 15 days later, President Wang purchased another 10 pieces at a time. Now, he has 10 days of health care every month. Today, President Wang's farm is still stable and close to it The owners of pig farms in other surrounding counties and cities consulted Mr. Wang's plan after their local breeding groups learned about this. Mr. Wang said to them: don't believe the combination in the market. The cost is high, but the effect is not good. Guandu's [special exemption] can only be used, and the cost is low. On July 10, Mr. Wang's pig farm released 867 fattening pigs in one time, with an average weight of 286.5 Jin, This month, Mr. Wang bought 50 pieces of [special exemption] at one time and distributed them to the surrounding pig farms to benefit himself and the villagers. Now, Mr. Wang has become a famous person in the countryside.
The epidemic characteristics of African swine fever in China:
1. The transmission of CSFV in Africa is very slow
2. It will take several days to infect one column of pigs, and there are few cases in one circle of pigs at the same time
3. Strong pigs and sows are susceptible.
From the onset of disease to the death of pigs, other pigs in the same circle have no symptoms, even many of them are still in good condition until they are killed.
Why is this part of pigs late or not? There is only one possibility, that is, the disease resistance is particularly strong, that is, the non-specific immunity is particularly strong!
Combined with Wang's pig farm, although the pig farm is in the outbreak area, as long as we do a good job in disinfection and improve the non-specific immunity of the whole pig is the best way to prevent non plague at present!
Finally, five suggestions are given to pig farms in threatened areas:
I. strict introduction, high epidemic pressure, and no outsourcing introduction if possible.
2. Do a good job in isolation and disinfection, reduce contact with the outside world, and establish a decontamination center if conditions permit.
3. Strengthen management, all in and all out, put biological safety at the top priority, and do a good job in the harmless treatment of sick and dead pigs.
4. Do a good job in detoxification, conditioning, resistance improvement and nutrition of pigs, reduce the proportion of soybean meal, and make pigs easy to digest and absorb.
V. do a good job in the overall planning of the pig farm, reasonably arrange the production and marketing of the pig farm, and live is the absolute principle, and live is the future